Question: What are the key aspects of real estate marketing in the digital era?
Answer: Real estate marketing in the digital era involves leveraging online platforms, social media, virtual tours, and targeted advertising to reach and engage potential buyers.
Enter The Digital Era Of Real Estate Marketing
How Real Estate Marketing Has Gone Digital
Digital marketing is the new mantra with regards to promoting products and services online. This is true for even the very traditional niches like the real estate industry, which, for a very long time tried to hold on to the traditional methods of marketing. But just as one philosopher once observed, you can never resist change, however much you try. In this regard, therefore, real estate marketers have been forced to abandon the traditional forms of marketing and adapt to digital marketing to increase the chances of success for their business. It is not that the traditional methods no longer work, but with the advent of the digital age, they have become less effective. Here are the various methods through which real estate marketing has gone digital:
Real Estate Websites
Not long ago, many people in the real estate industry relied upon the huge listing directories to get exposure to their real estate listings. But this has since changed as real estate agents are now building stand-alone websites which they can promote using various means as a method of getting more people to know about their listings, and in the process get more leads and possibly make sales. Such real estate websites are more versatile since the owner has total control over them and can employ whatever marketing strategy they want. This is not possible with the big directory-type real estate websites. Even having MLS search available you can tap into people searching the addresses of specific properties that are entering the buying cycle and can find your site to be an authority on real estate if the site is built properly.
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Social Media
For a long time, realtors never considered the social media as viable avenues that can be used to get real estate leads. But with the growth of social media and the success of other industries in using it to market their products and services, realtors are now using the social media to build huge followings, build the brand and also prospect for leads. The social media has become so important that because statistics show that people spend such a considerable amount of their time on the social sites, it is prudent to take advantage of it to market your real estate business because social media has truly become a ‘digital word of mouth’.
Search Engine Optimization
In order to have a successful real estate website, you need traffic to that website, there are various avenues of getting this traffic and search engine optimizations remains one of the best options for the real estate industry. Instead of using the expensive modes of paid traffic to get visitors, realtors are now turning to search engine optimization to get their website ranked high in the search engines so that they benefit from the large amounts of free and targeted traffic they provide.
Email Marketing
Lead generation is a very vital component in real estate marketing. It is imperative for every realtor to have the ability to collect fresh leads on a regular basis so that they can have the gas needed to keep their businesses going. Real estate marketers have resorted to the effective use of email marketing to get buyers for their property. They have come up with ingenious ways of collecting the email addresses of people entering the market, they will then follow up and try to convert using email marketing campaigns.