Question: Why are real estate marketing firms considered the future of the industry?
Answer: Real estate marketing firms provide specialized knowledge, advanced technology, data-driven strategies, and innovative approaches for maximizing marketing effectiveness in the industry.
Reators and Real Estate Marketing Firms,
Are real estate marketing firms right for you? Many businesses are still learning the ropes of implementing search engine optimization in the right manner. For realtors, SEO is a vital component of their marketing strategies because it is a means to reach the prospects at the right time, when they are searching for properties and more importantly realtors online. Though realtors have seemed to have stuck to the traditional marketing methods for a long time, never considering SEO seriously, they are now realizing the effectiveness of SEO in real estate marketing and every realtor should be trying their best to get first page rankings in the search engines for their targeted keywords. Here are some of the reasons that might have been responsible for this change of heart by the realtors towards SEO.
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Increased traffic and conversion
High website rankings can lead to flood-gate of quality and laser targeted traffic to the realtor’s website. SEO is a reliable and affordable marketing method that can be used to get top ranking in the search engines, with SEO realtors have the ability to not only show up on the first page of search engines for people looking at real estate (the beginning of the home buying cycle) but also show up for people ready to buy and sell who are now looking for agents in their area, now that’s a very targeted and qualified lead. Since this traffic is highly targeted, they are also likely to have increased conversation by collecting more leads on the website and by having people specifically looking for agents to handle their sale and purchase.
High ROI
The return on investment is a crucial component in every marketing campaign. SEO offers superior results compared to other marketing methods when it comes to conversions, this leads to more profitable campaigns vs traditional methods and results in a significant increase in ROI. Realtors adding SEO to their marketing budgets can increase sales significantly but you’ll definitely need help on this broad topic, enter real estate marketing firms.
Branding and Authority
90% of search engine users don’t go beyond the first page when they are looking for information on the internet. Through SEO, realtors are able to rank their website on the first page of the search engines for the targeted keywords they desire and enjoy the incredible traffic that comes with it. Websites showing up on the first page of search engines are deemed to be authoritative and the users are more willing to visit compared with those on the subsequent pages. Additionally, if your website consistently shows up among the top results, it gets a lot of recognition from searchers and this is important in the branding of the site as real estate authority.
SEO is affordable in the long run
Most realtors tend to shy away from SEO because the initial costs seem to be expensive and it doesn’t bring in instant results. But despite these facts, a properly conducted search engine optimization will prove to be very affordable in the long run, but really who cares if it brings in a ton of business. Lol.
After the website is well optimized and gains the desired rankings on the search engines, it will still require maintenance to continue bringing in more traffic as well as identify new profitable areas. The biggest difference with SEO is how targeted the leads are, you can actually target only people typing in ‘Toronto real estate agents’! I think we’d all agree this would be the most qualified of leads.
This is unlike other sources of traffic generation because its so targeted towards people actually looking for an agent and multiple studies show searches for realtors are increasing 200% year over year. Real estate marketing firms can put together a comprehensive plan to put you at the forefront of your industry and we know that’s where the industry is going considering that real estate marketing is almost completely digital now.