Question: What are effective realtor marketing strategies for Facebook?
Answer: Realtor marketing strategies for Facebook include creating engaging content, running targeted ads, leveraging Facebook groups, and utilizing live video.
Realtor marketing strategies You Can Bank On
Gaining a competitive edge in the real estate industry requires meticulous and well planned marketing, whereas there are many avenues for driving effective real estate marketing campaigns, social media and with special regards to Facebook, remains a force to reckon with when it comes to real estate marketing. Presented here are a few powerful realtor marketing strategies that realtors can use to cash in on Facebook.
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It begins with having a Facebook Page
Success in marketing realtor services on Facebook begins with having a well laid out Facebook page. Instead of having the ordinary personal pages, you need to create a business page since this will appear more professional and it will make it easy for you to market your services with the fact that it has superior features compared to what is available on your personal profile.
Brand the page and identify target audience
After you have created the page, you need to brand it so that potential clients can easily identify with it. The first thing you’ll want to do is have top quality imaging with your branding, incorporate your personal logo’s and brand colouring throughout your header as well as every post you make should have a properly sized colour branded logo. Statistics show that almost 80% of people will leave a website that is poorly designed with substandard pictures because it ‘lacks credibility’, also the human brain processes images 3 million times faster than text which leads to a substantially increased retention of your brand. Once you have your image branding taken care of all you have to do is to ensure you provide as much information as possible about your business, you can add relevant information on the About Me section of the page, detailing the type of properties you deal with and possibly leave your contact details.
A two pronged approach is necessary.
- Continually post nice photos and information about various listings you have and provide links for interested home buyers to reach them. Remember, the photos must be of high quality if you want to attract the best leads.
- Publish quality content about related subjects to your website weekly if possible and promote it through all of your social media outlets.
Share quality information about the industry
To create credibility and stand out amoung other realtors on Facebook, you must demonstrate that you are providing value to your followers by being an expert in your area. One way of achieving this is by sharing useful content on your social media outlets, content should offer solutions to the plethora of problems and frequently asked questions (FAQ) clients have. For instance, you can share useful tips for new home buyers, news about your specific markets, how to avoid rogue realtors etc. When you do this constantly in association with proper visual branding you will be perceived as an authority in the industry and area helping to increase potential client trust in your real estate services.
Make page interactive
Great realtor marketing strategies involve interaction, as you share your listings and post useful content for your users you will start to get responses, either they will like what you have posted or they will be commenting asking for further information. It is important that you respond to them as you’re in the service industry and it directly indicates to them how they would be treated should they decide to choose you as their realtor. Not offering quick and useful replies can destroy the credibility you had already built by having a strategic social media campaign in place.
Connect with other like-minded groups and pages
You can’t market successfully as a realtor in Facebook when you decide to be an island or do the bare minimum. It is imperative for you to connect with other like-minded pages, groups and realtors so that you can be part of a one big community. When you do this, the other groups and pages might like and share your content, not to mention there followers, this can create a viral effect and expand your social media reach. Getting incredible exposure and increasing your audience is the name of the game with social media and specifically your Facebook page. The conclusion is that being an expert and authority in your area combined with growing your social reach means getting more leads, and that’s effective realtor marketing strategies.